social science issues related to war

US Census Bureau. Although war is a social phenomenon arising from decisions of political and military officials, other phenomena can make it more likely that these officials will decide to go to war. When we think of the impact of war, the consequences for civilians and veterans as just discussed come most readily to mind. Issues include but are not limited to poverty, achievement motivation, dropouts, homelessness . Although this is almost an unimaginable number, there is cause for some hope, even as there is also cause for despair. However, later investigation revealed that the attack never occurred and that the White House lied to Congress and the American people (Wells, 1994). It also documents the psychological and health effects of military sexual assault (MSA). The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook. In shedding light on the prevalence of military rape and sexual assault and on the many negative effects of these crimes, social science research has performed an important service. The United States has been at war in one-fifth of the years it has existed (Bumiller, 2010). AlterNet. When the war began, a sort of truce developed between management and labor, as workers wanted to appear patriotic by supporting the war effort and hoped that they would win important labor rights for doing so. ), The Routledge handbook of security studies (pp. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Identify two social science issues related to education. Most Americans continued to live their normal lives, whereas most Iraqis had to struggle to survive the many ravages of war. Causes of war. War is sustained armed conflict that causes large-scale loss of life or extreme material destruction (Worrell, 2011, p. 1). Some eighty years later, the involvement of African Americans in the US armed forces during World War II helped begin the racial desegregation of the military. Americas defense meltdown: Pentagon reform for President Obama and the new Congress Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Arms trade: A major cause of suffering. A poem about napalm, reportedly written by members of the US First Air Cavalry, surfaced during the war. Federal spending includes both mandatory and discretionary spending. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. The Vietnam War marked a time when many Americans became concerned about childrens suffering during wartime. Since Arias wrote these words, the United States has spent more than $5.5 trillion on defense outlays in constant dollars (see Figure 16.3 International Military Spending, 2010), including $1.3 trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Halperin, S. (2004). Retrieved from The primary mode of research involved survey questionnaires given anonymously to samples, many of them random, of military members. War Resisters League. The aim is to build a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. A social studies essay might be assigned to any middle school, high school, or college student. If warlike tendencies were part of human genetic heritage, these convictions would not exist. To be blunt, American troops simply shot untold hundreds of Korean and Vietnamese civilians in cold blood. Week 1 Question 7 Identify two social science issues related toeducation. Source: First F-35C Flight, Wikipedia, Last modified on November 20, 2011, One of these civilians was a 9-year-old girl named Phan Thi Kim Phuc. Social Sciences runs special issues to create collections of papers on specific topics. The first is the thirteenth century, when the Mongol Empire under the initial leadership of Genghis Khan became an empire in Asia and Eastern Europe through wars and conquest in which it killed 40 million people. Hartung, W. D. (2012). The social sciences are concerned with the study of human society and with the relationship of individuals in, and to, society. In contrast, the United States spends 5.1 percent of its economy on its base military budget, which does not include costs for veterans benefits, for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and military spending that falls outside the Pentagons budget. (2012). Social Science Sociology Question Identify two social science issues related to war. Reflecting on these findings, an author of the study said, Its really time to focus on the children that are left behind (Ashton, 2011). Dewan, S. (2011, December 18). (2011, June 17). Explain your answer. Acting out wars inner wounds. McKeeby, D. (2008, February 25). Each F-35 costs about $300 million. napalm sticks to kids. Regardless of these problems, this growing body of research documents how often rape and sexual assault in the military occur. Another issue would be the stress on the families who have a service member deployed in a war zone . The social sciences are primarily academic enterprises, more so than either the biological or physical sciences, and the academic portion of the discipline is not only overwhelmingly larger than other sectors but also overpoweringly more prestigious. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service. Stalsburg, B. L. (2011). Women veterans face a special problem that most male veterans do not have to fear. Our nations failure to meet their needs is shameful. Napalm is a very flammable jellylike substance made out of gasoline, soap, and white phosphorous. The geopolitical nuclear landscape . In 2011, military spending (defense outlays by the Department of Defense and certain other agencies; outlays include costs for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars) according to the government was approximately $768 billion. The American Civil War, also called the War Between the States, then tore it apart less than a century later. Spend Time on Research You should always look for academically proved and reliable sources that you can cite in your essay. Scholar John Tirman worries that Americans have generally ignored the civilian victims of US wars. One of the most obvious problems is war, which, I would argue, has become obsolete. Critics also argue that military spending actually produces fewer jobs than spending in other sectors (Ledbetter, 2011). To get a more accurate estimate of how many such crimes occur, sound social research is necessary. A quick calculation shows that about 11 percent of the worlds population died from the Mongolian wars, while 2 percent died from World War II. Although war is a social phenomenon arising from decisions of political and military officials, other phenomena can make it more likely that these officials will decide to go to war. Nuclear weapons overview. War is a social phenomenon in which a mixture of motives underlies decisions to go to war. Theme: Exploring Social Science Issues, learning block 1-1 (page 4) By 2011, NIJ's solicitation for social science research on forensic science yielded several solid proposals, and we were able to fund five projects. The fiscal year 2013 defense budget: A report card. "Surprisingly, the civilians within the conflict . That problem is rape, as at least one-fifth and perhaps as many as 84 percent of all military service are raped or sexually assaulted (including sexual harassment) by other military personnel (Turchik & Wilson, 2010). As an economics writer wryly noted, So remember to take pride in American power, and remember that it comes at a very high price. In making this classic macroeconomics decision, the United States has much to learn from the wealthy nations of Europe. As a result, observes one economics writer, most Europeans have universal health care, deeply subsidized education (including free university tuition in many countries), modern infrastructure, good mass transit, and far less poverty than the United States has. When sexual assaults and sexual harassment are added to the crimes mentioned to respondents, between 22 percent and 84 percent of women report being raped, sexually assaulted, and/or sexually harassed while serving. Chapter 1 / Exercise 3 Cost equivalencies illustrate what is lost when so much money is spent on the military, especially on weapons systems that do not work and are not needed. A recent study found that adolescents with a deployed parent are more likely than those with civilian parents to feel depressed and suicidal. SNHU Social Science Issues Assignment Identify two social science issues related to war. As a result, reported rapes and sexual assaults compose only a very small percentage of all military rapes and sexual assaults. Status of world nuclear forces. The study involved child soldiers who participated in Sierra . Speier, J. In Vietnam, Tirman writes, American troops and planes routinely razed villages to the ground, killing villagers indiscriminately, and then evacuated any survivors. To do so, it routinely deployed chemical weapons such as Agent Orange (dioxin, a known carcinogen), napalm, and white phosphorous. The di. The Nation. (2012, January 2). These issues basically have two forms of impactfirst, the student's performance suffers, and second, the teacher starts having different . Question DescriptionIdentify two social science issues related to war. In 2010, more than 19,000 US military personnel, most of them women, were raped or sexually assaulted (Stalsburg, 2011). Many antiwar protests in the United States focused on the civilian suffering from napalm. Audit of Pentagon spending finds $70 billion in waste. Pollin, R., & Garrett-Peltier, H. (2011). Combining data on both types of exports, the United States sent $12.2 billion in arms deliveries to other nations in 2010. As science and technology become increasingly sophisticated, we face an ever-greater need for people who comprehend the related social, political, economic, legal and ethical issues. Epistemologically, scientific realism is (say, mainly) based on the idea that we generate theoretical entities to understand, describe, and discover a structure . Retrieved from For every 100,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who receive health care from the Veterans Administration, 38 have killed themselves. Russia ranked second with $5.3 billion in arms deliveries, while Germany ranked third with $2.6 billion (Grimmett, 2011). Choose one of the five social institutions. More than 20,000 nuclear warheads now exist; 4,800 are operational and almost 2,000 (held by the United States and Russia) are on high alert, ready to be used at any time (Federation of American Scientists, 2011). He applauds the Korean and Vietnam memorials in Washington, but he laments that neither mentions the people of those countries who perished in the conflicts (Tirman, 2012, p. B01). Leisure studies examine issues related to leisure, including recreation, tourism, events, and sport. The psychological effect of war on veterans and their families We have textbook solutions for you! The cause for despair is twofold. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation New Dawn (OND), and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) U.S. Casualty Status. However, other scientists dispute the evolutionary explanation for several reasons (Begley, 2009). The Nation. Retrieved from To put that another way, between 43 percent and 48 percent of all federal income tax dollars were used for military expenditures that year. New York, NY: Routledge. Answer preview to identify two social science issues related to war. (1971). (2012, January 12). (2009). (1999). Some people think of war as a negative thing, and some people . Actually, we have not had a war between major powers since 1945. Between the end of the colonial period and 1993, the US military was involved in at least 234 declared wars, undeclared wars, or other situations abroad involving actual or potential armed conflict (Collier, 1993). (2011). By contrast, The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspective views war through the lens of the social sciences, looking at the causes, processes and effects of war and drawing from a vast group of fields such as communication and mass media, economics, political science and law, psychology and sociology. Image courtesy of Sgt. Most of these victims were civilians, and most of these civilian deaths were the result of actions by the United States and its allies. Other political and economic changes brought by war are less obvious. 221232). War also has impact beyond the consequences for civilians and veterans. A concerted effort needed to help homeless veterans. Several years later, she was still having many health problems and could not forget what happened to her. Sometimes, as with the US entrance into World War II after Pearl Harbor, these decisions are sincere and based on a perceived necessity to defend a nations people and resources, and sometimes these decisions are based on cynicism and deceit (Solomon, 2006). Some think the United States needs to maintain and in fact increase its level of military spending, even with the Cold War long ended, to replace aging weapons systems, to meet the threat posed by terrorists and by rogue nations such as Iran, and to respond to various other trouble spots around the world. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. It identifies important work by historians that calls into question the assumption that all social science during the Cold War amounts to "Cold War social science." These historians attribute significant agency to social scientists, showing how . Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan War have a higher suicide rate than that of the general public. Retrieved from Critics of the military budget say that the billions of dollars spent on weapons and other military needs would be better spent on domestic needs such as schools and day care. Levy, J. S., & Thompson, W. R. (2010). The wealthy European countries that compose the bulk of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an international consortium, spend 2.5 percent of their total economy (gross domestic product, or GDP) on their militaries. Second, members of Congress fear being labeled weak on defense if they try to reduce the military budget or do not agree to new weapons systems requested by the Pentagon. The two atomic bombs dropped by the United States over Japan during World War II killed tens of thousands of civilians. By any measure, then, the US military has played a fundamental role, for better or worse, in the nations foreign affairs historically and also today. Prompt: During the first week of the . Arias, O. A social issue is a problem that reduces the quality of life of people. The U.S. military does not need or want all officers to become social scientist researchers, but applied social science can nevertheless help develop strategic thinking because it: (1) focuses on human behavior and influence; (2) develops comfort with competing theories; (3) requires creativity; and (4) uses evidence and iteration to better . Using the example of Mozambique, Guatemala and others, this paper will discuss the way in which . First, it excludes several military-related costs such as veterans benefits and interest on the national debt from past military spending. 1.2 Sociological Perspectives on Social Problems, 1.3 Continuity and Change in Social Problems, 2.1 The Measurement and Extent of Poverty, 2.2 Who the Poor Are: Social Patterns of Poverty, 3.1 Racial and Ethnic Inequality: A Historical Prelude, 3.5 Dimensions of Racial and Ethnic Inequality, 3.6 Explaining Racial and Ethnic Inequality, 3.7 Reducing Racial and Ethnic Inequality, 4.4 Violence against Women: Rape and Sexual Assault, 5.2 Public Attitudes about Sexual Orientation, 5.3 Inequality Based on Sexual Orientation, 5.4 Improving the Lives of the LGBT Community, 6.3 Life Expectancy and the Graying of Society, 6.4 Biological and Psychological Aspects of Aging, 6.6 Reducing Ageism and Helping Older Americans, 7.5 Drug Policy and the War on Illegal Drugs, 7.6 Addressing the Drug Problem and Reducing Drug Use, 10.2 Sociological Perspectives on the Family, 10.3 Changes and Problems in American Families, 11.1 An Overview of Education in the United States, 11.2 Sociological Perspectives on Education, 11.3 Issues and Problems in Elementary and Secondary Education, 11.4 Issues and Problems in Higher Education, 12.2 Sociological Perspectives on Work and the Economy, 13.1 Sociological Perspectives on Health and Health Care, 13.2 Global Aspects of Health and Health Care, 13.3 Problems of Health in the United States, 13.4 Problems of Health Care in the United States, 14.2 Sociological Perspectives on Urbanization, 15.1 Sociological Perspectives on Population and the Environment, 15.4 Addressing Population Problems and Improving the Environment, 16.1 Sociological Perspectives on War and Terrorism, 16.4 Preventing War and Stopping Terrorism. Killer species. Identify two social science issues related to education. Children of deployed troops struggle, study finds. Before the war, violent labor strikes were common in Britain and other European nations. McKeon, H. P. B. The psychological effect of war on veterans and their families 1 ) . In these surveys, between 10 percent and 33 percent of women report being raped (including attempts) while they were serving in the military. Although wars, other armed conflicts, terrorism, and genocide certainly continue, and 100 million is a terribly high number of deaths, the world overall is in fact more peaceful now than in the past. , Last modified on November 20, 2011, http: // First_F-35C_Flight.ogv:... The general public in, and sport 7 Identify two social science related... Others, this growing body of research involved survey questionnaires given anonymously to samples many! Ii killed tens of thousands of civilians, also called the war 1 ) Iraqi Freedom ( OIF,. 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social science issues related to war