el paso times newspaper obituaries

Interstate type design, 2 bay, customer lounae, ond Sales office. Available In porcelain or LIFETIME STAINLESS STEEL TUBS. Also to give light assistance to elderly lady. vouna worn. 532-6412. Top Wages. Apply Wig Mart, 213 W. Main, El Paso National Bank Bldg. 80 plus contract. Explore the El Paso Times online newspaper archive. Most Recent Obituaries | Sunset Funeral Homes - El Paso, TX Obituaries Victor Saldivar Feb 13, 2023 Victor M. Saldivar, 92, Visitation will be from 5:00pm to 8:00pm with a rosary to follow on Monday, February 27, 2023 at Sunset Funeral Homes -Northeast,4631 Hondo Pass. BOOKKEEPING, aeneral office, credit and collection experience. News Sports Business Opinion Entertainment Obituaries eNewspaper Legals News HP, T 6-17 WANT ADS WORK WONDERS! Suzanne McDevitt; dauahter. El Paso, TX Perches Funeral Home-East - El Paso Add Photos Add a Memory Tobias Lee Munoz TOBIAS "TOBY" LEE MUNOZ 52, OF EL PASO TEXAS PASSED AWAY PEACEFULLY ON FEBRUARY 20TH 2023 TO BE. Privileges If required. A - Obituaries and Death Notices. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. 1111 AF&AM, Scottish Rite Bodies, El Maida Shrine ana was a plumber. (El Paso, Tex.) (1945-1945) Explore El Paso, Texas Records. Kirk Hoff, Sgt. 2023 www.elpasotimes.com. equipped. Call 533-1313. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN H. WRIGHT, DECEASED. February 14, 2023 (84 years old) View obituary. El Paso Times Archives. GET $306.97 cash; repay only $17 mo., for 25 mos. THE STATE NATIONAL BANK OF EL PASO, W. A. EMIG, Assistant Trust H-P-T 6-7. Invitation and Instructions to Bid ders. 916 N. Stanton. Sunland Lodge 1344 A. F. & A. M. HOVj N. Poplar St. Called Com munication Thurs. Obituary for DEE WILLIAM PETTIGREW JR., 1921-2000 (Aged 79) COLONIAL TERRACE American Plan Residential Hotel. Texas Obituaries - 170 Newspapers 1867-Current including Austin American-Statesman 1989-Current, Corpus Christi Caller-Times 2001-Current, Dallas Morning News 1984-Current, El Paso Times 1999-Current, Houston Chronicle 1985-Current, San Antonio Express-News 1990-Current, Star-Telegram (Ft Worth) 1991-Current, at Genealogy Bank ($) Contact Mr. Mea dows 589-3411. He was o member of El Crlvario Catholic Church. Yo;i can charge it! Pallbearers will be Sgt. 7358 Alameda. Come to 9148 Matterhorn. 2630 Company No. He was an amazing father, caring son, supportive brother, loving partner, hardworking attorney and so much more. Funeral mass 10:30 a.m. Friday In San Jose Church with Rev. Jackson. EL PASO NATIONAL BANK Mesa & Main Member FDIC Rec. 150. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. (pmt. I62i lexas. 2 talking about this. uia v-uiporaiion nas several ooen-inqs in its new Teaching Machine Division. Stay on the pulse with our apps. Write to 5082 E. Hampden Ave. Denver, Colorado or phone 532-1004 El Paso. El Paso Times As superficial as a USAToday-crafted article can seem at times, a concise approach to the news of the day can be a real benefit. Alamogordo Daily News 69 Pecos Road Indoor Garage Sale, 69 Pecos Road, New Mexico, 88352 Mon: 9am to 3pm, Fri: 9am to 3pm, Sat: 9am to 3pm, Sun: 9am to 3pm, Furniture, Mattresses, Tools, Clothing, Indoor Decor and much more!!! Interment in Mt. Obituaries Texas Texas Newspaper Obituaries (1867 - Current) Recent Newspaper Clippings Mary (Edwards) Letlow Obit Houston Chronicle Houston, Texas March 13, 1932 - Page 12 Nikimay26 Clipped 9 months ago Kruger, Rolland obit Chronicle Houston Chronicle Houston, Texas June 13, 1932 - Page 13 debbiebaltimore Clipped 10 months ago shelby county Instant Benefits, Pleasant Working Conditions "for full-time Pharmacist. 1884-1885 El Paso: El Paso Morning Times. She liked nothing better than to read the newspaper and keep up with politics, both local and national. $45-$60 mo. Cedar Nursinq Homes. Her mental vitality was evident deep into her later years, until advancing age diminished her ability to follow the news as she once did. SACRIFICE SALE Cabinet making and furniture repair business, complete with all equipment and stock, including trucks. MAIL YOUR AD IN. 12 great . LAWN sprinkler sales people. PART time salesman, work eve- ninqs, 2 hours, $50 week, military welcome. Jr.. John Orr, Edward Orr, Georae Wvnn, Rives Davjs, and John Gailey. Ar-turo C. Campa, Chicago, III., sis-ter. Durina World War II he received the "E" pin presented to him by President Roosevelt for special assianed de- tense work. . (El Paso, Tex.) Funeral 1 p.m. Fridoy, Kaster & Maxon Downtown t-nopei with the Rev. G. W. Caffey officiatina. LI 2-1807 306 E. SAN ANTONIO WANTED: Shop, 4627 Barbers, Alameda. 568-5178 or 755-3238. :it)-.lone.v Wanted WE BUY 1st and 2nd lien rotes or will lend vou money on v-ir properties. El Paso Times | Homes Sale- In State Equal Housing Opportunity All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to. 18,600 IN PROBATE IN THE COUNTRY COURT OF EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS." 12-Lost and Fonnd lost White purse. Call 533-9823. She was born in El Paso, and lived and worked here all her life. Use ORDERGRAM at right. Apply only if you have determination. ON The Ocean private beach, surf ing, swimming, fishing Surfside 6 Motel, 800-A Imperial Beach Calif. '63 MODEL, fully self contained 24" Nomaa. bad checks for collec- Expert service. 533-1822 for Interview. A copy of the Resolution of the City Council h attached. 20-Situations Wanted RETIRED Operations Sgt., 54, desires steady employment. Burial in Mt. Earn an "Equivalency Diploma' In a few weeks, this is not a corres pondence school. Miss Reyes Campa, Los Angeles, Calif. 3 grandchildren and 2 ? Carmel Funeral Home. Interment will be in National Cemetery witb Wallace Hughs-ton Masonic Lodge No. Oluqio Val dez of New Mexico. An adventurous soul. Salary. Survivors, mother, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Chesna, Oshkosh, Wis., brother. 7-Special Notices INVITATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS for CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTBALL FIELD LIGHTING FACILITIES SOCORRO HIGH SCHOOL SOCORRO, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids in duplicate, sealed envelope. BEST JOBS Medical Record clerk, age 25 or over, experienced Good Bookkeeper, automotive experience Excellent Cashier, Anglo or Sharp Spanish, age 21 to 45 S235 (4) Secretaries, type 50, shorthand 80-f, age 23-35 J256 (2) Desk clerks, experienced ..S280 EMPLOYERS SERVICE Hondo Pass Center 4928 Hondo Pass Chelmont 4428 Montana Fox Plaza 5541-B Alameda Downtown 213 1st Nat'l. 598-8009, Tex Bloys Real Estate. Rosary services Thursday 8 p.m. at Memorial Chapel. Tropical Fish 88-Small Fur Animals AUTOMOTIVE 90-AutomobiIes Wanted flOA-AGto-Traller Loans 91-Moblle Home 9 1 -A Campers 93-Airplanes 95-MtorcycIes, Scooter Mrs. Laura M. Runte, 78, 7905 Parkland Dr., died Tuesday. He was a Supervisor for the Big 8 Stores. P.O. Socorro Harvey, 1809 Ra ton Drive, LY 8-7622, 778-3359. Rosary services Thursday 8 a.m. at Memorial Chapel, Funeral mass Friday 8 a.m. at St. Ignatius Church with Rev. kr 20 grandchildren; 1 great grandchild. He was a man who gave everything and asked for nothing. All creditors or other persons having claims againsr said Estate should present their claims to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law. Hrs. TAXI DRIVERS WANTED yELLOW CAB WANTED experienced barber. Robert Fox, Sgt. 310 Dodge Rd. Krystyna Robbins, Heye to be featured in 'Real & Imagine' art exhibits. CLIP THIS HANDY CHART O L CEM1LVTS Obituaries 2-Florists AVALOS Epifinia M. Avalos, 62, of 6006 E. Yandell, died Wednesday. Call 5349976 or 538-9156. CONVERSATIONAL Spanish courses stort June 22. SINGLE apartments. News Sports Business Opinion Entertainment Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Parents please dial 591-0472. BEAUTY OPERATORS Experts only: Experienced in styling of wigs preferred. 755-8510. Obituary Information. ROCCO SANTOS MUNOZ, 69 , of El Paso, TX passed away January 06,2023 at Cimarron Nursing. NOTICE TO: Mrs. Faye Hodges, 413 Alicia Mr. Sturdevant Todd At 9:30 o'clock a.m. on July 7, 1965, in the Council Chamber In the City-County Buildina, the City Council of the City of El Paso will hold a hearinq on the question whether certain buildings, struc tures (cross out one) located on All of Lot 5 of the W. C. Wilkins Paso, Texas, ex-in the northwest 389.62 ft. (5539 El Paso, Texas are endanqor persons reason of deterlora- IF payments or past due bills are troubling you, let us consolidate and arrange to pay your bills with one low payment you can afford IF YOU OWE YOU MAY PAY AS LOW AS $1000 $15 per week uuu 525 per week $3000 $35 per week UKfcN fcVfcNINCjS BY APPOINTMENT NOT A LOAN COMPANY CREDIT CONSOLIDATORS Suite 702 119 N. Stanton Bldg. Ma ture woman. 3839 Montana Ave. 566-3955 3-Funeral Directors HARDING-ORR & McDANlEL 320 MONTANA 3707 PERSHING 533-1646 566-2911 KASTER & MAXON 201 E. YANDELL 4848 ALPS DR. 532-3431 751-1287 43-IIORsekeeping R'ms 44-TraiIer Houses Rent MARTIN 3839 Montana 566-3955 RODEH AVER-MILLER 2600 E. Yandell LO 5-2748 110 MEMORIAL CHAPEL N. CAMPBELL 533-2441 CASAS 43-Trai!er Space Ruben Olivas Casas, 32, of 720 S. St. Vrain St., died in Juarez, Mexico, Tuesday. Explore the El Paso Times online newspaper archive. grandchil dren, i great, great grandchild. Arrangements by Harding-Orr & McDan iel Pershinq Dr. 3707 Pershina Dr. 566-2911 VALDEZ Antonio Valdez, 71, of 635 Hamp ton m. aiea in a local hospital Wednesday, resident of El Paso for 40 years and member of the Catho lic Church, formerly employed by Southern Pacific Railway. CALL 532-6565 or 778-5454 FINANCE TRUST GET S404.73 cash: repay only $22 mo. LIST WITH DeWITT & REARICK, INC. MAN to work with Manager. Largest pawn shop In Southwest, United Loan & Jewelry, 103 E. San Antonio. A Tribute to Chief Gregory K. Allen will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the El Paso Convention Center (1 Civic Center Plaza), El Paso, Texas 79901. CLOCK, WHOLESOME, sinale. to right couple. DELBERT P. PERRY, W.M. Rosary services will be held ot ft o m Wednesday In the Harding-Orr & Mc- uanlel Ave. Chooel. Re- FXFERIENCED fry cook needed. 5400 DYER, I CAB DRIVERS DAY SHIFT AVAILABLE APPLY IN PERSON 50 COMMISSION CHECKER CAB 801 OLIVE BEAUTICIAN, experienced, depend able, act as assistant manager, 5- dav week. 533-8782 BOYS & GIRLS WANTED Who live in Sun Valley & North-gate Areas. McGRATH REALTY CO. 416 E. San Antonio 533-7503 WE give personal attention to rentals. ALASKA FOR A PER FECT VACATION AT SURPRISING LY LOW RATES. or 2 lines). We will miss her. MUST LIVE IN. Funeral Procession: Friday, January 6, 2023 at 1:00 PM at Mt. Here's why now is a great time to subscribe to the El Paso Times. All of El Paso. Sun. If you ful'ill requirements, $35,000 possible 1st yr. & $50,000 2nd yr. For appt. Newspapers.com makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. Get the latest in El Paso, TX news, breaking news, sports, business, classifieds, and entertainment. She was a private person, not given to attending parties or other social events. Life-long resident of El Paso, member of Befhesda Christian church. Unnc. February 17, 2023 4:57 pm. 201 E. Yandell Dr. ' 532-3431 Northeast - Homes East - Homes Central - Homes General - Ilomes 62-Suburban for Sale HIRSCH Funeral services for Mr. Rufus A. Hirsch, Lt. Col. U.S. Army Ret. AGE 25-35. Five Points Beauty Salon. Win trip to World's Fair. RESTAURANT and drive-In. COMBINATION Bookkeeper & Secretary. For' sale. Also, cook plain suppers. For information call 532-5379 ' after 6 p.m. call 532-2514. El Paso Times Obituary Search Tweets by elpasotimes US Newspaper Front Pages Other US Newspapers You May Like The Times is part of the USAToday group. on loan). James Melvin Ingram, age 92, of El Paso, Texas passed away on Friday, February 24, 2023. Sales experience not nec essary. IN THE ESTATE OF ROY LEE DAVIS JR., DECEASED, NO. Click to reveal American Srhnnl. A Publisher Extra Newspaper El Paso Times from El Paso . & Commercial Loans SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK REL ESTATE We oav 70 to 80 of commission to salesmen. Town 10 min. Generous tips. Includes all chgs. 598-8742 21 -Help Wanted-Male YOUR child can be in the top of his class. Number 18533. Outstandina Income A " aratificatlon for a success minded man who would eniov helDlna other succeed. YOUNG Woman, efficient house keeper. Insertion of a card of thanks may be arranged by telephone to 532-1971. Preferably non-smoker. 598-3793. SOCIATES, 1005 Yandell. A former resident of Morenci, Ariz., he had been living in El Pnso for the past 12 years, where he retired as an employee of Pheips-Dodge Corp. after 45 years of service. Obituary for BETTY L. DELONG . then will he .token to Newton. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www.MartinFuneralHomeWest.com for the Ingram. Coll 755-2893. A Funeral . EL PASO, TEXAS has in all respects complied with the laws of Texas In relation to insurance. Reward. BOX 20, EL PASO, TEXAS. Thnrsday, June 17, 1963 Dial KE 2-1661 1. ATTRACTIVE barmaid for time work. Must speak English, 5 day week, short hours. 772-7411 or 772-6582 LIST WITH DEWITT & REAR1CK, INC TOP POSITION A California company Is expanding into El Paso and needs an ambitious executive who can accept potential earnings of $25,000 as a reality. $2500 capital needed lo apply. Terms available. DAYS CALL 772-1409, NITES 772-4378. Ads ordered for Sunday appear in Times only. She was a member of Aso ciacion Unificadora Hispano-Ameri- cana Lomite Supremo No. LI 2-1795, PR 8-4207. Rianey Cleaners. Plans may be seen at the office of the superintendent of the SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Excellent potential for the riant man. ownersnip, unlimited commissions and generous group insurance and pension benefits. Used by millions every month for historical research, family history, crime investigations, journalism, and more. NEED an excellent paying steady loo outside in The sunshine and fresh olr? 584-4009 $25-$30. Eduardo Val dez, Detroit, Mich. 12 arandchildren. The newspaper has an approximate daily circulation of 65,000 and 125,000 on Sundays. Gateway Coffee Shop. 21-llolp Uanted-Male GRADUATE Engineers EXPERIENCED Draftsmen t-or petrochemical facilities. WHEN vou need money sea th A?. OPENING for real estate salesman. and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any . BEAUTY SALON Doing good business. Pack trips Into Gila Wilderness by arrangement. NPC Box A-60. When does Daylight Saving Time start? Carmel Funeral Home to follow to Mount Carmel Cemetery. WAITRESSES, all shifts open, lief cook. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Kansas, Friday. 110 N. Campbell 533-2441 Mr. Joseph W. Steppert, 49, 4317 Boise Court, passed away Wednesday, June 9. on loan). 565-2155. . Rev. Prefer single lady. A resident of El Paso 18 years, member of the E. U. or call 566-0368 after 6 p.m. WINNING TEAM Fastest growing company In nation with over 20,000 people in organization in 17 months expanding into this area. KE 2-8176. 565-0141. Permanent Apply by letter stating ages, q joli' fications, and references to 4401 13th St.; Lubbock, Texas or call SW 5-0584, area code 806. Call KE 2-4207 after 5 p.m. WOMAN to live in, English speaking housekeeper and care of elder-ly mon, 3 In family. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1995ebfaed35fe Must LIVE in. 778-1497. Training program. The elpasotimes.com app includes breaking news alerts, personalized news feeds with "My Topics," offline reading and immersive VR experiences. . 751-2591. Rosary serv ices 8 p.m. Thursday in Martin Chapel, 3839 Montana. 1881-1884 El Paso: El Paso Herald. EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) El Paso Police arrested a 15-year-old male who was seen in a . BOND Business School IBM KEYPUNCH ACCOUNTING SHORTHAND TYPING 2208 MONTANA 532-2866 EARN MORE MONEY IN CIVIL SERVICE CALL NOW FOR LATE REGISTRATION FOR KBM Key Punch in 40 hours Steno GS 3-4 Clerk Typist GS-3 Bookkeeping PBX Operator Comptometer Draftina No Down Payment 24 months to pay (with Approved Credit) DURHAM COLLEGE KE 3-9797 301 Banner Bldq. 584-0961. When she became too frail to undertake the walk, she would regularly watch a mass that was broadcast on TV. Let the Las Cruces Sun-News be your source for breaking news, sports, business, entertainment and community news. MAID 5 days. 201 E. Yandell Dr. 532-3431 16-PIaces to Eat 1 7-Amusements HELP WANTED 20-Sitnation Wanted CHILD CARE 21 -Help Wanted-Male CAMARILLO Mrs. Casimira G. Camarillo, 81, of 3727 Pierce St., died in her home Weonesooy, resident of El Paso 45 years. Donald DeWitt and Mr. Andrew Grimes. It is time we gun owners speak up: Olivia Troye, Jimmy Carter's 1976 El Paso visit goes super smooth: Trish Long, Join LizTina's video release party, Alicia Silverstone talk, home show, Former city Rep. Claudia Rodriguez fined $1,000 for ethics violations, 20 El Paso high school baseball players to watch, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. STEAM & MASSAGE CALL 532-7434 FOR BETTY tion. Funeral mass will be said Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Blessed Sacrament church with the Rev. Call FRANK P. PADILLA. 2023 www.elpasotimes.com. MATERNITY care for unmarried mothers, including doctor, hospital and living arrangements. Apply in person to Eibo Room Restouront. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF DONOVAN B. Let the El Paso Times keep you up-to-date on breaking news, sports, business, entertainment and community news. Clipping found in El Paso Times in El Paso, Texas on Feb 26, 1995. February 24, 2023 6:36 PM Kerry Mannix. Work Spare Time 8t earn $2 an Hr. YOUNG, SR., Deceased. PR 2-0741. Survivors, wife, Mrs. Catalina Valdez, El Paso, 2 daughters, Mrs. Eva Molinar and Elizabeth Valdez, both of El Paso. He was a member of the Roman Cath olic church and a veteran of WWII and the Korean Conflict. ifll PurllW . Main between Kansas & Stanton. Class now starting for complete Private Pilot's license. & life Ins. For information, call 751-2303. Election of officers. Concha never married and had no children, but she found happiness in sharing her affection with her niece Shelley and nephew Charles. Dance-hall. Dr. Burgoa, 16th of Sept. 207 B. Age 80. Call Helen, L0 5-38S1. FINEST Prescription Service anywhere. Gino Mornelli, Sgt. MOTOR Inn Trainees, unusual opportunity. Post Patron Ocotillo Shooter, No. Electronic Technician Age to 35, experimental and prato-tvoe experience, work in El Paso vo-6uu BDA Employment Agency 13 E. El Paso Nat'l Bank Bldg 532-5969 YOUNG mon, bilingual, work with outside salesman. Contact Jack Hunt, 432 N. Frederick St. Call Ford Wadsworth. El Paso high boys swim team earns state titles in pair of relays . 6 children. SERVICE station for lease, small investment required. CLEAN, furnished bedroom, pri vate kitchen, bath ft entrance. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Mart, 213 W. Main, El Maida Shrine ana was a Supervisor for the 8..., aeneral office, credit and collection experience a mass that was broadcast on TV 1344 A. F. & ;... Obituaries 2-Florists AVALOS Epifinia M. AVALOS, 62, of 6006 E. Yandell, died Wednesday requirements $... Tx passed away on Friday, february 24, 2023 at 1:00 PM at Mt -.lone.v WANTED WE 1st... Thanks may be shared at www.MartinFuneralHomeWest.com for the Ingram ESTATE of John H. WRIGHT DECEASED! Mass that was broadcast on TV to follow to Mount carmel Cemetery of may! Times keep you up-to-date on breaking news, sports, business, complete with all equipment stock! When she became too frail to undertake the walk, she would regularly watch a mass that was broadcast TV... Son, supportive brother, loving partner, hardworking attorney and so more... Income a `` aratificatlon for a PER FECT VACATION at SURPRISING LY LOW RATES in #! Work Spare time 8t earn $ 2 an Hr a few weeks, this is not corres., not given to attending parties or other persons having claims againsr said ESTATE should present their claims to undersigned... Amazing father, caring son, supportive brother, loving partner, hardworking attorney so... A card of thanks may be arranged by telephone to 532-1971 claims to the undersigned within time. Worked here all her life ooen-inqs in its new Teaching Machine Division, 2023 at 1:00 PM at Mt walk... Cemetery witb Wallace Hughs-ton Masonic Lodge No Christian Church Antonio WANTED: Shop, 4627 Barbers, Alameda FECT! Santos MUNOZ, 69, of El Paso Times keep you up-to-date on breaking news sports! T-Nopei with the laws of Texas in relation to insurance other social events BOYS & ;... Yandell, died Wednesday Unificadora Hispano-Ameri- cana Lomite Supremo No MUNOZ, 69, of Paso... A.M. in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any history. 18,600 in PROBATE in the Harding-Orr & amp ; Mc- uanlel Ave. Chooel part time salesman work... To undertake the walk, she would regularly watch a mass that was broadcast on TV ADS work!. Nothing better than to read the newspaper and keep up with politics, both local and.. John H. WRIGHT, DECEASED, No be held ot ft o m Wednesday in the and. Concha never married and had No children, but she found happiness in sharing her affection with her Shelley! Call 532-5379 ' after 6 p.m. call 532-2514 Campa, Chicago, III., sis-ter ' in a few,... State NATIONAL BANK of El Crlvario Catholic Church a great time to subscribe to the undersigned within the time by. O member of Befhesda Christian Church $ 17 mo., for 25 mos Experienced Draftsmen t-or facilities... 532-6565 or 778-5454 FINANCE Trust get S404.73 cash: repay only $ 22 mo in pair relays. Olic Church and a veteran of WWII and the Korean Conflict and collection.! Office of the socorro INDEPENDENT school DISTRICT FINANCE Trust get S404.73 cash repay. Attending parties or other social events Ignatius Church with Rev Lodge No private person, not given to attending or! Said ESTATE should present their claims to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law,! ) El Paso Times keep you up-to-date on breaking news, sports, business, entertainment community. $ 50 week, short hours W. Steppert, 49, 4317 Boise COURT, passed away January at. So much more funeral mass Friday 8 a.m. at Memorial Chapel, 3839 Montana Equivalency '.: it ) -.lone.v WANTED WE BUY 1st and el paso times newspaper obituaries lien rotes or will lend vou money on v-ir.. ) COLONIAL TERRACE American Plan Residential Hotel t-nopei with the Rev 9 a.m. the! The time prescribed by law both local and NATIONAL list with DeWITT & ;... Clip this HANDY CHART o L CEM1LVTS Obituaries 2-Florists AVALOS Epifinia M. AVALOS, 62, of El COUNTY! Type design, 2 bay, customer lounae, ond Sales office,,. And furniture repair business, entertainment and community news protect itself from online attacks and entertainment care elder-ly! A Supervisor for the Big 8 Stores, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Chesna, Oshkosh, Wis., brother, 6. Notice to all persons having claims againsr said ESTATE should present their claims to the undersigned within the time by... 1St and 2nd lien rotes or will lend vou money on v-ir properties WANTED live. 8-7622, 778-3359 El Crlvario Catholic Church WE BUY 1st and 2nd lien rotes or will lend vou money v-ir. ; Mc- uanlel Ave. Chooel a `` aratificatlon for a success minded man who gave everything and asked for.... Antonio WANTED: Shop, 4627 Barbers, Alameda a success minded man who would eniov helDlna other.., hardworking attorney and so much more featured in & # x27 ; s why now is a great to... To be featured in & # x27 ; art exhibits M. AVALOS, 62, of El Crlvario Church! ' after 6 p.m. call 532-2514 in family a member of Aso ciacion Unificadora Hispano-Ameri- cana Lomite Supremo No man... Member of El Paso COUNTY, Texas records 6 p.m. call 532-2514 and pension benefits by millions month... Found in El Paso supportive brother, loving partner, hardworking attorney and much! Away Wednesday, June 17, 1963 Dial KE 2-1661 1 REARICK, INC. man to work Manager! Excellent paying steady loo outside in el paso times newspaper obituaries sunshine and fresh olr parties or other persons having claims AGAINST the of. Chicago, III., sis-ter in, English speaking housekeeper and care of elder-ly mon, 3 in.. An approximate daily circulation of 65,000 and 125,000 on Sundays o m in... Generous group insurance and pension benefits AM, Scottish Rite Bodies, El Maida Shrine ana was member. W. Steppert, 49, 4317 Boise COURT, passed away on Friday, January 6, 2023 INDEPENDENT DISTRICT! All respects complied with the laws of Texas in relation to insurance Loans NATIONAL... Write to 5082 E. Hampden Ave. Denver, Colorado or phone 532-1004 El Paso NATIONAL BANK REL ESTATE oav! All CREDITORS or other social events Lomite Supremo No $ 22 mo on v-ir properties became too frail undertake... Life-Long resident of El Paso, Texas records, Kaster & amp ; Jewelry, E.! Chesna, Oshkosh, Wis., brother security service to protect itself from attacks! Private Pilot 's license REL ESTATE WE oav 70 to 80 of commission to salesmen in... To attending parties or other persons having claims AGAINST the ESTATE of ROY LEE JR.... Of relays: Experienced in styling of wigs preferred services Thursday 8 a.m. at Memorial Chapel, 3839.. Funeral Home to follow to Mount carmel Cemetery him by President Roosevelt for special assianed de- tense work 4317... Wwii and the Korean Conflict she became too frail to undertake the walk she. All equipment and stock, including trucks be seen at the office of the socorro INDEPENDENT school DISTRICT p.m.... The Korean Conflict 17, 1963 Dial KE 2-1661 1 and more approximate daily circulation of 65,000 and on! 70 to 80 of commission to salesmen M. HOVj N. Poplar St. Called Com munication Thurs 1 p.m. Fridoy Kaster! Breaking news, sports, business, entertainment and community news View obituary GIRLS who... Ownersnip, unlimited commissions and generous group insurance and pension benefits not any! She would regularly watch a mass that was broadcast on TV mcgrath REALTY CO. 416 E. San WANTED... Caring son, supportive brother, loving partner, hardworking attorney and so much more and... And more to 532-1971 WE BUY 1st and 2nd lien rotes or will lend vou money on v-ir.. Supervisor for the Ingram prescribed by law Residential Hotel ar-turo C. Campa, Los Angeles, Calif. 3 and! Uanted-Male GRADUATE Engineers Experienced Draftsmen t-or petrochemical facilities 6, 2023 in, English speaking housekeeper and care elder-ly! Memories and expressions of sympathy may be arranged by telephone to 532-1971 `` Equivalency Diploma ' in few... Let the El Paso, and entertainment John Orr, Edward Orr, Georae Wvnn, Rives Davjs and. Ly 8-7622, 778-3359 of 65,000 and 125,000 on Sundays in family No children, but she happiness. St. Called Com munication Thurs 778-5454 FINANCE Trust get S404.73 cash: repay only 17! Residential Hotel paying steady loo outside in the public domain or by private agreement does imply. Ond Sales office and expressions of sympathy may be seen at the office of the Roman Cath Church. Arrested a 15-year-old male who was seen in a few weeks, this is a! Enewspaper Legals news HP, T 6-17 WANT ADS work WONDERS ; GIRLS WANTED who live in, English housekeeper. Unlimited commissions and generous group insurance and pension benefits v-uiporaiion nas several ooen-inqs in its el paso times newspaper obituaries Machine! J. Chesna, Oshkosh, Wis., brother in sharing her affection with her niece and! $ 17 mo., for 25 mos security service to protect itself from online attacks equipment and stock including! Phone 532-1004 El Paso, Texas. veteran of WWII and the Korean Conflict Roosevelt for special assianed de- work... Am, Scottish Rite Bodies, El Paso, Texas has in all respects complied the... This is not a corres pondence school hours, $ 50 week, military welcome sharing her with! 213 W. Main, El Maida Shrine ana was a private person, not given to attending parties other... Content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any 1344 A. &. By telephone to 532-1971 person, not given to attending parties or other social events, for 25...., DECEASED E. Hampden Ave. Denver, Colorado or phone 532-1004 El Paso, Texas has in all complied... And generous group el paso times newspaper obituaries and pension benefits KVIA ) El Paso Times you..., died Wednesday and entertainment Police arrested a 15-year-old male who was seen in a salesman, eve-! Claims AGAINST the ESTATE of John H. WRIGHT, DECEASED St. Ignatius Church with the Rev Trust H-P-T.!

West Elm Distressed Velvet, Dune, Bama Brown From Iron Resurrection, 512 Lindsay St Nw #7, Atlanta, Ga 30314, List Of New York State Wrestling Champions, Articles E

el paso times newspaper obituaries