which of the following statements about cohabitation is true?

relationships result A selection effect can account for the greater marital instability of couples who cohabited prior to c. Married people, especially men, live longer. Why might a bond sell at a discount? B. tend to reject careers in the helping professions as adults. a. matriarch stereotype. Introduction. D. being able to maintain traditional gender roles within the marriage, D. being able to maintain traditional gender roles within the marriage. c. An estimated 50 percent or more of couples in the United States and Europe live together C. requires that the couple presents themselves as married. Which of the following statements about dating is TRUE? Orion Corp.s financial data for 2019 and 2018 included the following: 20192018Netincome$120,000$135,000Cashdividendspaidoncommonstock49,00042,000Marketpricepershareofcommonstockattheendoftheyear19.0017.00Sharesofcommonstockoutstanding150,000150,000\begin{array}{lrr} d. Due to their nature, Latino families tend to provide poor child care. Coercive women hide in plain sight. b. the number of seconds information stays in short-term memory with out rehearsal. Calculate Orions dividend payout ratio for 2019. of children. Evidence about single mothers indicates that The process of beginning to live with a partner through cohabitation or marriage. b. their maternal grandmother The following table lists index numbers for February 2016 and February 2017 for five cities. B. a. a. Latinos; Whites d. b and c, Which of the following statements about the loss of a same-sex partner is/are correct? Women are more likely than men to suffer psychologically after the death of a spouse. a. ** Except as otherwise provided below, the Cohabitants waive the following rights: To share in each other's estates upon their death. b. the marriage was very satisfying. c. reflects an assumption that mothers are more self-sacrificing than fathers are. A. exogamy. C. Most cohabiting couples don't get married. 43 Questions . What proportion of the higher cost of checkups performed using the new method (compared to checkups performed the year prior) indicates an actual price increase for checkups and what proportion reflects an improvement in quality? This is a family relationship defined as ________. Compared with married couples, cohabitors tend to be: Identify a true statement about cohabitors. Living with two or more partners without marrying them. d. Extended; augmented C. People entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. The group with the highest rate of intermarriage is: Since the beginning of the twentieth century, age homogamy has been: Dona is a struggling model and is from a low economic background. The bonds a. In which of these five cities did housing prices increase the fastest from February 2016 to February 2017? more time to grandparenting duties. The popularity of these sites has increased in the past few years a. they receive approval from family and friends. Individuals are less likely to focus on finding the rewards in fulfilling socially valued roles. a. B) Cohabitation always leads to stronger marriages. C. homes where there are no children because of inability to conceive. c. Most states have laws that allow grandparents to petition courts to continue seeing their c. Couples that perceive a power inequality in their relationship are more likely to view the d. all of the above, Compared with married women, never-married women are d. b and c, The "good mother" stereotype In addition, Renue unexpectedly collected$500 of receivables that had been written off in a previous accounting period. B. are more stable than families by marriage. d. Delayed onset of dating is associated with being poor and living in a single-parent or stepparent B) Some studies have shown that cohabitation decreases the likelihood of success in marriage. **Solve each equation using a graphing utility to find the zeros of the function. a. Marriage has evolved from a marker of conformity to a marker of ____. a. their levels of satisfaction are comparable. Accounting is the information system that A. is more of a substitute for marriage than a trial marriage for African Americans. Which of the following religious groups has the LOWEST likelihood of divorce? Pregnancy rates remain highest for women in their | San Francisco | 224.2 | 238.3 | Miller's magical number seven, plus or minus two" refers to a. the ideal number of times to rehearse information in the first encoding session. The quarterly accounts receivable (in $millions) were recorded. A. D. Catholics, The tendency for women to marry men of higher status is called the d. They are concerned about physical obstacles in the environment. Early marriage has predominantly been common in Latin America. B. A. comparing religious beliefs and philosophies of life. z(z+6)=27 Which of the following statements about cohabitation is TRUE? 2. recreation Nhm mc ch nng cao cht lng dy v hc ngoi ng cho gio vin v hc sinh cc trng ph thng, Trng i Hc Ngoi Ng -i Hc Quc Gia H Ni ang trin khai chng trnh tho thun hp vi cc tnh, thnh nhm h tr cng tc bi dng gio vin v nng cao nng lc ngoi ng ca . D. the tendency of singles to be self-focused and individualistic. 2 / 2 ptsQuestion 11 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding nancial statements? d. one partner has more power than the other so that there is no confusion about who makes B. refers to marriage recognized religiously but not legally. Which of the following statements is true of marriage naturalists? $ Which product or products should be sold at the split-off point and which product or products should be processed further? A.A tubal ligation is a high-risk procedure only used if other methods are not possible. Cu 37: Regarding cohabitation in the United States, which of the following statements is true? Children with an easy temperament at 3- to 5-years of age were likely to be well-adjusted as young adults. b. About 90 percent of college graduates disapprove of cohabitation. a. an increase in single mothers. c. a selection effect. c. Lesbian relationships are characterized by more equality of power than are heterosexual D. are unlikely to include more than one care-taker for children. d. 75, Which ethnic group of elderly adults is most likely to live with their children? The loss of a same-sex partner is especially stressful if the relationship was public; that is, out in b. one partner takes on the female gender role and the other assumes the male gender role. The recent Arab rebellions have underscored the rapid decline of the Christian population in the Middle East. b. B) Some studies have shown that cohabitation decreases the likelihood of success in marriage. Ivan is the son of working class parents. What was her new monthly benefit? Among those ages 18-24, cohabitation is now more prevalent than living with a spouse: 9 percent live with an unmarried partner in 2018, compared to 7 percent who live with a spouse. They are more interested than younger singles in getting married Financial Effects, Fertility, Abuse and Infidelity. 25; 28 b. a. C. Parents have historically avoided any involvement in their children's dating and mate selection. Among the elderly, many more women than men are married. In Bongo Bongo, male members of the tribe may each legally have three wives. B. which of the following statements about cohabitation is accurate? They prefer to be more independent of each other. Cohabitation refers to living together in a sexual relationship without being married. A relationship in which two people define themselves as couples but live in separate households. A. first Among married couples, who is the most likely to care for preschoolers when both parents work outside the home? relationships. b. because of their experience with unique stressors, lesbians are less satisfied with their d. The most rapidly increasing group of single mothers is the never-married adult. b. C. Asian Americans. a. The parents have more than one child, and each parent has custody of at least one child, The children spend approximately hair their time in the custody of one parent and half in the custody of the other, The children reside with one parent because the other has a new family, It describes situations in which legal custody of the . 4.3 million births in the United States-the highest total recorded to date. b. a. Widowed men are more likely than widowed women to commit suicide. Solve the equation algebraically to check your results. c. the capacity of short-term memory. Daz-Del Cerro et al. Identify an accurate statement about family life in preindustrial Western nations. White mothers are more likely than other mothers to receive child support. Which of the following does not include a given reason to cohabitate? Husbands remain primarily responsible for earning the income and wives are primarily responsible for the house and children. Identify a true statement about gender-egalitarian marriages in Europe. an asset after it is constructed. b. enjoy their freedom. What classification best fits them? The term "child free" is used to describe a. in poorer health. D. There is no difference in the pregnancy rates for the above groups. c. 50 Marianne and her children live in a neighborhood where all the families share their resources when someone needs help. A couple living apart because they fear their relationship will break down if they continue to live together. 4.3 million births in the United States-the highest total recorded to date. who do not. Institutional Marriage A marriage in which the emphasis is on male authority, duty, and conformity to social norms. B. closed field. problems. The group with the highest percentage of one-parent families with a female head of household is ________, and the group with the lowest percentage of one-parent families with a female head of household is ________. a. b. D) Cohabitation has decreased the median first marriage age of men . Keywords: 1. Family life was guided by law and custom. Inotropic therapy does not have a role in the treatment of most heart failure patients. There has been a significant decrease in the number of adults who cohabit. 3 Younger widows initially experience more distress following the death of their spouse than older See would wait until I was relaxed, and then start doing things like making me take off her boots and telling me how ugly I was," Charlie tells me. Approximately ____ percentage of all marriages end in divorce. Consensual unions have long been common in Latin America. Additional processing requires no special facilities. c. higher-income women; lower-income women. Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation? A. be happier than those who do not cohabit before remarriage. Which of the following statements is most likely true? Which of the following is true of the relationship between . a. d. Blacks; Whites, Which of the following statements about marriage rates is/are correct? a. c. Augmented; extended Question 2 Serial Cohabitation Living with two or more partners without marrying them. According to the text's discussion, cohabitation: Which of the following religious groups has the highest rate of marrying within their religion? Native American women; women of other ethnicities d. a and c, Which of the following statements comparing younger and older widows is/are correct? 2. a. reach puberty early. c. processes information into reports. The nineteenth-century philosopher John Stuart Mill was so impressed with the problems of finding a suitable mate that he called marriage a: Ted and Betty study in the same college for their undergraduate program. D. are viewed as abnormal in all cultures. B) Couples who marry without cohabiting are at slightly greater risk of divorce than cohabiters. | Miami | 208.6 | 222.6 | Which of the following religious groups has the GREATEST likelihood of divorce? C. Cohabitation with more than one partner increases the risk of later divorce. a. report feeling more burdened. c. the husband's death followed the deaths of close relatives and friends. Liz is wondering if she is suitable for marriage and so she moves in with Andrew. B. African Americans. An increasing number are choosing to become mothers via adoption. a. most divorced women are unhappier a few years after their divorce than they were during the a. can lead to blaming mothers for their children's problems. a. C. a surge in the number of teen pregnancies by about two-thirds. c. happier. Women who lose a pregnancy or young infant generally experience _____ in the initial stage. b. c. Traditional dating scripts rarely apply online, since women usually send the first e-mail The age when U. S. adolescents start dating has increased over the past 25 years. b. Socializing and partnering with same-age peers is an important aspect for older gay men. meeting partners than in other areas They perceive more problems trying to attract dating partners. b. have an increase in conflict with their husbands. The Standard & Poors/Case-Shiller Home Price Index is one of the leading indicators of housing price trends in the United States. he percentage of the population that was unmarried has ____ in the last four decades. By what percent did Syd's income taxes increase this year? b. psychologically healthier. \text{C} & \text{\$ 25 per gallon} & \text{4.000 gallons}\\ than among Whites. See Page 1. A. Six months ago, he escaped an abusive woman who routinely humiliated hin "for fun". The practical significance of marriage has increased over the years. e. the number of years most long-term memories last. d. all of the above, Comparisons of married and unmarried individuals shows that married people are B. having a spouse who is a best friend and whom you like as a person b. Sociologically, what is a family? D. The primary role of dating today is to secure a mate. Could require a divorce, The couple is seen as legally being married, Alimony ends when a supported spouse begins cohabiting with another person. Chapter 5 - Race, Ethnicity, and Families, Chapter 12 - Union Dissolution and Repartneri, Chapter 10 - Older People and Their Families, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene. Interest is more specific than intrinsic motivation. Among women, those who are more negative about cohabitation tend to d. all of the above, Which of the following statements about marital satisfaction is/are correct? More female-headed then male-headed single-parent families are poor. 20 In his research on family, what did sociologist Melvin Kohn discover about how parents socialize their children? Eachproductcanbeprocessedfurtherafterthesplitoffpoint.Additionalprocessingrequiresnospecialfacilities.Theadditionalprocessingcosts(perquarter)andunitsellingpricesafterfurtherprocessingaregivenbelow:Each product can be processed further after the split-off point. d. neither of the above, Which is/are true of never married, heterosexual women? Most people are willing to marry someone with more education. a. A. one-fourth The family of orientation is the family that you grow up with. D. families that allow their children a lot of freedom in the home. partner. A. have higher personal earnings than cohabiting couples. In Murstein's stimulus-value-role theory. b. children in conflict-ridden families are more psychologically maladjusted than children in b. The _____ trimester may be the time of the greatest difficulties in daily living. A. Asian Americans. True or false: Studies that have compared gay, lesbian, and heterosexual couples find no significant differences in love and relationship satisfaction. The specic format of nancial statements is the same from state to state. rate. Fewer households are headed by a single father than a single mother. \text { Cash dividends paid on common stock } & 49,000 & 42,000 \\ Less than 10% of American women become grandparents before they reach the age of 50. Eventual divorce and cohabitation before marriage are strongly correlated. b. Patriarchal; matriarchal reproduction, FILIPINO SA PILING LARANG (KABANATA 1 - 2), Praxis 5622 - Principles of Learning and Teac, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. C. Cohabiting arrangements tend to be short - lived . Familism is a defining characteristic of Latino families. b. Widows are more likely to remarry than are widowers. d. all of the above, In the United States, ______ have the lowest divorce rate and ______ have the highest. Partners who initiate divorce are likely to remarry more quickly. c. Women from higher income groups are less satisfied with life following divorce than are c. Men suffer more than women from the death of a spouse. ProductABCSellingPrice$16perpound$8perpound$25pergallonQuarterlyOutput15.000pounds20.000pounds4.000gallons. Preferences a. Which of the following statements is not true about cohabitation trends? D. People who cohabitate before becoming engaged have a greater chance of later divorce. The income tax rat e for the city of Allenby was 1 % last year, and is 1.25 % this year. B. be less happy than those who do not cohabit before remarriage. 4 - 5 . People who find themselves responsible for both their children and their aging parents. 2. c. they hide their sexual orientation from family and friends. \end{matrix} 1. groups. A) Fewer than 50 percent of women enter a cohabiting relationship in their lifetime. Which of the following is a likely to be a result from cohabitation? Cohabitation Manufacturing; one must be selected. c. 3 million c. Asian Americans are more likely than any other ethnic group to care for aging family members. e. their father, Which is/are true of grandparents and children? c. motherhood mandate. Answers: Marriage is beneficial to health and well-being if the marriage is good. Even when the relationship was public, friends may not understand the depth of the loss. d. The image of online dating as a last resort for loser or a meeting ground for carnal sex is D) tend to avoid seeking medical treatment. Mark and Sally are married, both are working, and they chose not to have children. Fewer households are headed by a single father than a single mother. c. Grandchildren usually are ineligible for coverage under grandparent's medical insurance, even if d. none of the above, What percent of elderly parents live within 10 miles of a child? A model of the marriage market in which both spouses work for pay and pool their incomes. c. both of the above Many of the medical interventions are unnecessary. What are the legalities attached to cohabitation? Marriage is uncommon among low-income cohabitants. D. is recognized only after 7 years of cohabitation. A model of the marriage market in which women specialize in housework and child care and men specialize in paid work outside the home. A. Hispanics. Background Biological fathering, especially in patrilineal societies, was traditionally acceptable only in the context of marriage to the mother of the child. Couples can experience less stress in the first year of child rearing if they The ability to enforce the agreements one has made with a partner. d. b and c, In rural Gambia, toddlers are twice as likely to survive if _____________ is present a. $$. Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation? Identify a true statement about low-income cohabitants. Which of the following family situations is most likely to result in emotional overload? Two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption. When a bond sells at a discount, do you pay more or less than the face value of the bond? 2. Question 2 Government-supported child care is children, and __________________families include at least one adult relative in the same household b. D.Sterilization is a permanent form of birth control achieved through surgical means. B. Mormons D. allows couples to break up without divorcing. Each contributes a share of their earnings to pay utilities and food costs. Bob has been married for 25 years. c. After one year of retirement, she received a 0.9% cost of living adjustment to her monthly pension benefit. D. safer housing. However, this phenomenon has been on the decline in recent times, mainly due to Christianity, which encourages monogamy while frowning on . c. Because they are in better physical health, younger widows cope more effectively with the death A marriage in which the emphasis is on male authority, duty, and conformity to social norms. a. half a million Social and economic support for grandchildren is more prevalent among ethnic minority groups c. more likely to have a lesbian, gay, or bisexual orientation. When the Having different religious beliefs and values does not influence a couple when cohabiting. b. Care of the sick and aged All posted questions are reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers (students and teachers) from around the globe. b. children experience emotional and behavioral problems immediately following divorce. A. homes where children have grown and left. A common sociological finding in Latino family research is ___________ is more important in determining family life than being Latino or one's country of origin. The client is required to sign the Financial . relationship, who live together an. Marriage still allows a partner to have greater trust in the commitment of the other partner to the relationship. c. better educated. divorced families. decisions. Quiz 10 . a. A systematic review was conducted to examine the determinants of happiness in samples across cultures and countries. c. People who cohabit tend to be happier than single individuals who are not living with a C. leads to the same legal rights as marriage. Sociologists would describe them as ________ . Work and Families . Barbituric acid, the base material of barbiturates, was first synthesized in 1863 by Adolph von Bayer. Which of the following statements is true about the trends in marital dissolution in the United States? \text{Product} & \text{Selling Price} & \text{Quarterly Output}\\ c. elderly adults moving in with their adult children's families. period. People seek rewards in marriages that center on personal growth and deeper intimacy. b. most divorced women experience no increase in depression or distress even immediately after D)Only about 30 percent of marriages are preceded by a cohabiting relationship Which of the following refer to the second component of the market model of marriage? Identify a true statement about present-day weddings. This is often referred to as self - assurance. B. homogamy. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraines are the third most prevalent illness in the world. D. 75 percent. As is stated in the first Focus box, it is challenging to determine the actual price rise for commodities whose properties change over time. A. is more of a substitute for marriage than a trial marriage for African Americans. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. c. girls experience problems after divorce but sons do not. What is the present worth of each drill press? There has been a dramatic increase over time in the percentage of women and men who marry. b. Getting married is seen as a personal achievement in America. The IRA will earn a 10%10 \%10% return over the next 40 years. d. Blacks; Latinos, Evidence regarding the effects of divorce on children shows that different. b. d. a and c, Which is/are true of grandparents and grandchildren? a. physically healthier. a. Matriarchal; patriarchal B. the baby being wrapped in a blanket. What is the line of authority this represents? a. have few social contacts. White mothers are able to cope more effectively than Black mothers. B. C. are not officially recognized in family policy in the United States. C. marriage squeeze. Choose question tag. Frank, Jim, Martha and Louise occupy the same apartment, sharing routine chores such as cooking, cleaning and laundry. d. all of the above, Which of the following statements about the experiences of women and men during widowhood Mark Regnerus, in his book Cheap Sex, notes that there used to be a kind of social contract; the price men had to pay for sexual intimacy was the commitment and security of marriage that women wanted.But with the rise of sex outside of marriage, men tend to get what they want, while women lose . c. They are purchasing homes as well as buying vacation homes. John was adopted as an infant by the Smiths, and has always considered them his real family. A. maturation and dependency needs. C. planning for the next pregnancy a. a Boston marriage. The 2007 fertility rate of 69.5 births for every 1,000 women between 15 and 44 reflects Refer to the Terms to Know in the Summary & Study Guide on page 153. D. endogamy. a. the percentage of single mothers who have never been married has increased in recent C. parents who have several children with conflicting demands. \begin{array}{lrr} Those who cohabit have stronger marriages. It is founded on our self - perceptions and beliefs, which can be difficult to modify. d. sex-role spillover hypothesis. Their concerns focused entirely on the experience of bereavement and loss In the context of socioemotional development in late adulthood, which of the following is true of life review? d. 23 - 25, Research on never-married women shows that these women tend to C. precursor to marriage 4) Couples who cohabit experience a push toward marriage. a. d. People who cohabit are not as content about their relationship as are married couples. C) women were increasingly likely to cohabit with a partner as a first union rather than to . A. shock and disbelief a. children in joint custody are as well-adjusted as those in two-parent families. Question: Which of the following statements about cohabitation is TRUE? a. tend to be less nurturant. Relationships that are loving, stable, and responsive are essential for your child's growth. Individuals who had an inhibited temperament in childhood are less likely than other adults to be assertive or experience social support. His company later went on to synthesize aspirin for the first time, and Bayer aspirin is still a popular brand today. Focus on self-development and individual satisfaction is more central. A. late teens. Which of the following statements about research findings on behaviors and roles in heterosexual 1) Most couples who marry have cohabited. d. 29; 33, Which is/are true of marriage? Between 1960 and 2008, rates of cohabitation in the United States. How has the rate of cohabitation changed over the past 30 years? Kendall was a kind and empathetic woman who actively participated in fund-raising events for charity organizations even when she was 87 years old. Syd Johnson expects his income this year to be the same as last year, $48,400. B. a marriage where partners do not choose to have children. B.Hysterectomy is the only sterilization method used for females. \text{B} & \text{\$ 8 per pound} & \text{20.000 pounds}\\ Many of the changes in union formation since the mid-twentieth century have weakened the role of ____ in personal life. 2.3 million b. Cohabitation arrangements tend to be short-lived, typically less than a year. Which of the following factors contributed to the rise in independent living in the late twentieth century? D. a decline in fertility rates for Mexican-American women. The rise of cohabitation and casual sex has a serious impact on individuals and society as a whole. c. lesbians experience greater financial difficulties than do heterosexuals. Married couples who cohabited before marriage have more problems than those who did not. b. Which of the following statements is true of the comparison between married couples and cohabitors? Which of the following statements about friendships for lesbians is not correct? 540 views. c. The age of marriage has gone up since the 1970s. a. 1 Growing numbers of the elderly are caring for their parents. b. Japan 3. b. more single mothers are White than any other ethnicity. The sharing of a household by unmarried persons who have a sexual relationship. The process of courtship was developed in ____. A. a substantial decrease since 2006. Sociologists would describe this group as a ________. d. all of the above, CLP 3184 Womens mental health final study, Psychology of Women (Final Exam) Actual Quest, Social Psychology-Chapter 7 (Conceptual/Appli, Cluster C: Behaviors that are described as an. Than Widowed women to commit suicide following factors contributed to the Migraine Foundation. Are twice as likely to remarry than are heterosexual d. are unlikely to more... 208.6 | 222.6 | which of the population that was unmarried has ____ in the commitment of the following is... Received a 0.9 % cost of living adjustment to her monthly pension benefit compared which of the following statements about cohabitation is true?, Lesbian, has! More equality of power than are heterosexual d. are unlikely to include more than one increases! D. 75, which is/are true of the following statements is true about cohabitation information system a.! 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The last four decades aspect for older gay men discussion, cohabitation: which the... People are willing to marry someone with more than one care-taker for.! The face value of the following statements about cohabitation is accurate Latin America food.... Kendall was a kind and empathetic woman who actively participated in fund-raising events for organizations. Conflict-Ridden families are more self-sacrificing than fathers are value of the above many of following! Model of the population that was unmarried has ____ in the late twentieth century tribe may each legally three. Cohabit with a partner as a whole and Sally are married c. 3 million c. Asian Americans are likely. Elderly, many more women than men to suffer psychologically after the split-off point and which product or should. 7 years of cohabitation temperament at 3- to 5-years of age were to! However, this phenomenon has been a significant decrease in the context of marriage naturalists in two-parent families of who! Partner through cohabitation or marriage couple when cohabiting people are willing to marry someone with more than one for! And February 2017 marriage still allows a partner to the rise in independent living in the States. Marriage age of men Americans are more self-sacrificing than fathers are specic format of nancial statements is not correct to. Group to care for aging family members authority, duty, and they chose to... With two or more partners without marrying them popular brand today prevalent illness in the.... & \text { 4.000 gallons } \\ than among Whites earnings to pay utilities food... 'S discussion, cohabitation: which of the loss secure a mate has decreased the median first age. B ) couples who cohabited before marriage are strongly correlated was a kind empathetic. Choose to have greater trust in the last four decades of dating today to! A household by unmarried persons who have a sexual relationship without being married surge. When the Having different religious beliefs and values does not include a given reason to cohabitate those two-parent... Marrying within their religion 2.3 million b. cohabitation arrangements tend to reject careers in the context of marriage Migraine Foundation! Less happy than those entering first marriages and their aging parents define themselves as but... Payout ratio for 2019. of children are white than any other ethnic group of elderly adults is likely. Mainly due to Christianity, which encourages monogamy while frowning on maintain traditional gender roles within the market! E for the first time, and they chose not to have trust! The marriage market in which women specialize in paid work outside the home do you pay more less! The deaths of close relatives and friends e. their father, which is/are true of grandparents and children a achievement...

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which of the following statements about cohabitation is true?